well, this is my longest blog i've ever kept. or is it? because i had year old blogs with only two freaking posts. oh well. its in the past. anyway, like i said, this is the longest blog i ever had.
(new paragraph(i didn't think there was a need for that))
yay. its the holidays. again. well, not really, its just the weekend. but theres no school on friday(yay). BECAUSE OF GOOD FRIDAY. a friday that is good.
but thats not the point(in this post). the point is...my chinese teacher is finally giving 'group points'. example. LETS JUST SAY, for the sake of argument, that this happens.
i answer a question, with a wrong answer. then, my team and/or group, loses a point. OR. if i answer a question, WHICH IS A CORRECT ANSWER, my team and/or group, then, gains a point.
and like all group point challenges, someone(could be me(or not)) is losing, and someone is in the lead. and, the person who is losing, happens to be me. crap. which sucks because 78% of the class best scorer-er-ers. are in the other group. which seems to happen to me every year. i don't know why.
so, the only chance of winning is...you will know next time(in points. part 2). BLAH!
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