Monday, March 10, 2008

IT show 2008

READ THE TITLE. yup. i went to the IT show 2008. and like almost always, i can't post in the same day because i come(wow this joke is getting old) back too late. i actually went there for Halo 1 but they ran out of stock or something(kinda obvious).

SO, i bought Rainbow Six. by the way, i still have a XBOX. NOT XBOX 360. just had to point that out. oh yea, sorry i got-s no pictures...again. heh.


D@isy said...

i got your HINT...if you try hard to get a B for chinese, i will discuss with daddy to add a magical '360' somewhere....

TrendyWhistle said...

halo 1 is no longer on sale, only used ones thats why its up for download