Monday, February 11, 2008

Clean-up crew

Like I said in another post, I went to Primary 5 camp recently. And like all camps, we had to sweep. We went right outside dormitory's E and F there were, yes, brooms. And dustpans. When they told us to go get our brooms it was like war. Every single one of us wanted to get the GOOD, SAND sweeping ones. The rest where things with hair at the end. Why would they even have brooms that can't sweep?! It's like it was licked by sailors! WTF is up with that?! Not that sailors can't lick or anything, it's just that those where just GAH! Ok, back to the story. I just reached into the chaos and got a broom. No, a SHIT. It's was f**k ass. Soon, I was over. I wonder what diabolic plans they had in store for me. Haha. This is like a action movie.


alex teo said...

I like reading your posts :) very happening - can do with a bit less foul language though. Do keep writing coz I enjoy reading them

Anonymous said...

my darling son, love your writing style guess the three and a half years of breastfeeding certainly benefitted you in more ways imaginable! yes, less f**ks will be nice...mummy's watching....

Anonymous said...

Aiyo, need to brush your teeth and rinse with Listerine! So many vulgarities.
Apart from that, it's really fun reading.
How about downloading some photos the next time?