Saturday, July 26, 2008

lack of something important

I am bored right now. Or as Wikipedia would put it: I have an unpleasant, transient affective state in which the individual feels an pervasive lack of interest in and difficulty concentrating on the current activity.

So, I have been looking though my history for the past 1 hour. And this is some of what managed to find: as you can see, I'm quite in to ASCII Art (American Standard Code of Information Interchange). The thing that you should see a lot from this guy: ASCII Art - Christopher Johnson. Basically, they are just images made by fonts. Mostly created in Notepad.

Then there's, this: link. That probably happened way back when I was still doing the HTML coding for Error 404 2.0.

Ok...lets see what else i can dig up here...oh this: link. the fuck? How did that get here...Birmingham? anyway, i also have been doing some blog-surfing link.

And, the rest is just some ****, starcraft things, uhh...let me see...crap and the scroll-box code websites which is flooding ⅞ of the history.

But still, bottom line is I'm still bored. Usually I would play Lego and stuff, but I throwed( i forgot the past tense for that( not that I'm dumb or anything, just a mental block )) away most of it in the move.

And I have to find something to do before I finally succumb to killing others. ok. This is how i see it, either i find something to do, eat cheese for the rest of my life or kill someone. And i kinda like the first one.

1 comment:

Ye Olde AfroToast said...

threw. past tense of throw.